mangalore today

4 yr old girl meets tragic end in road mishap

Mangalore Today News Network

Bantwal, Aug 22, 2013 : A four and a half year old girl lost her life  and  two others sustained injuries when the autorickshaw in which they were travelling collided with a goods rickshaw at Panemangalore on August 21, Wednesday.

collision 1The deceased girl is Fathimatul Tapseer, daughter of Mohammad Ashraf from Nandavara. The injured are Sahuda Banu and Shakina.

The mishap took place when the little girl and her aunt were on way to Kannur in an autorickshaw. It is learnt, the goods vehicle was over speeding leading to the mishap.

The girl stayed with her aunt who was taking her to her parents home at Kannur  as her mother was missing her.

Bantwal police have registered a case.