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Snana Ghatta near Dharmasthala cleaned

Snana Ghatta near Dharmasthala cleaned

Mangalore Today News Network

Dharmasthala, 23 May 2024: Volunteers of different organisations cleaned the ‘Snana Ghatta’ (bathing ghat) on the banks of the Netravati and the road between Snana Ghatta and Dharmasthala on Wednesday.

Snana Gatta

Members of Shourya disaster management team, Shree Kshetra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project, a non-government organisation, devotees of Dharmasthala Manjunatha temple and local people of Dharmasthala took part in the cleaning from 9 a.m. to noon.

They picked up plastic bags, plastic bottles, and other waste from the river, from the river bank, and the road.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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