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Monday, June 17
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Gang-war on Udupi-Manipal NH; video viral; accused arrested

Gang-war on Udupi-Manipal NH; video viral; accused arrested

Mangalore Today News Network

Udupi, May 25, 2024: A gang war that took place between two groups on the National Highway between Udupi and Manipal on May 18 has come to light of late. The CCTV footage of the incident has gone viral.



It is learnt, two groups of Kaup origin had come by cars which they parked on the highway and began to clash with each other at Kunjibettu. The police have arrested the accused and produced before the court. They have been remanded to judicial custody till June 1.

It is said a dispute between the two groups over sale of a car had led to this clash.

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