mangalore today

Jain temple in City burgled

Mangalore Today News Network

Bangalore, Oct 20, 2013: Anti-social elements have burgled a prominent Jain temple, Sri Vasu Poojya Swami Jain Swetambar Moorti Poojak Sangh, on the busy Obaiah lane at Akkipet here on Saturday night.

jain temple 1The gang made away with valuables amounting to Rs 20 lakh. The incident came to light early on Sunday when the priest arrived at the temple for the morning ritual.

The Cottonpet Police have registered a case of theft based on a complaint lodged by the priest and are investigating.

Five security guards, posted at the three-storey temple complex, were found sedated. They were rushed to Victoria Hospital and are still recovering.

The police, however, are suspicious about their role in the incident.

The gang managed to enter the sanctum sanctorum on the ground floor after breaking open four railings with a cutter, damaging the main door in the process.

The gang made away with about 440 grams of gold ornaments kept in a safe near the main idol inside the sanctum sanctorum.

About Rs 2 lakh was also stolen from seven hundis or donation boxes. A sum of Rs 3 lakh is missing from the temple trust office.

There were 16 closed circuit television cameras installed in the temple complex. The gang damaged six of them installed on the ground floor and first floor. The police have now recovered footage from all the remaining 10 cameras.

A senior official said it was clear from the footage that there were at least three men and they had covered their faces with black clothes. He said there could be more men in the gang.

The gang might have been in the temple for more than three hours.


Courtesy: Deccan Herald