mangalore today

Lux introduces soap with a lump to spread Breast Cancer awareness

Mangalore Today News Network

Last year, 2018 saw over 2 million new cases of breast cancer with many studies finding out that breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in women and the second most common cancer overall. Various campaigns and organisations are working towards eliminating breast cancer and making life easier for women who are suffering or are prone to having breast cancer.



However, the most important aspect of breast cancer that still remains unaffected by the campaigns is the self-examinations. We have most breast cancer awareness campaigns on paper but is it really making the women examine their breasts? NO.  75% of Indian women shy away from self-examination, as per the research by Lux team. But Unilever-owned India soapmaker Lux, has come up with an idea to remind women of the importance of breast examination. They have made a soap that has a lump to remind you to check your breasts whenever you bathe with the soap.



The fact that early detection can help save women’s lives it is important that women start touching their own breasts to examine if they have a lump that could turn cancerous. Unilever plans to distribute the across cities, in colleges, corporate offices and cancer hospitals but not be selling it as a part of the campaign.



As you can see in the video that the iconic Lux soap, has a massive and visible lump on it and ‘The Soap with a Lump’ is created with an intention to encourage the women to examine their breasts for any kind of abnormality, while taking a shower. According to reports, Unilever with its advertising agency Wunderman Thompson collaborated with technical experts, designers, soap manufactures and even a leading cancer oncologist to create the design.