mangalore today

Seminar on medical drug discovery, design and delivery

Mangalore Today News Network

Feb 22, 2018: The Department of Biosciences, Mangalore University, which is currently under the Government of India UGC’s Special Assistance Program (SAP) and under the DST-Fund for Improvement of Science and Technology Infrastructure (FIST), will organise a two-day national seminar on the theme ‘Lab to clinic: Approaches and challenges in drug discovery, design and delivery’ on February 23 and 24.

The seminar is being organised jointly with the Royal Society of Chemistry (London’s) India Deccan Local Section (RSC-IDLS). Drug discovery today is being spearheaded by many new and powerful technologies that enable identification of new targets and modelling of new molecules. The seminar envisages putting into a nutshell the entire process in order to tap the latent research database, technical scientific skills and modern technologies to harness potential drug molecules.