mangalore today

Prajwal S tops among the Kannada Medium students in the state

Mangalore Today News Network

PrajwalMoodbidri, May 18, 2012: Prajwal S of Alvas Kannada Medium High School tops  among the Kannada Medium students in the SSLC Board examination conducted in the month of April, 2012 by scoring 613 out of 625.

Both in Kannada and English medium, Alvas High School has obtained cent percent result.

Alvas Education Foundation started Kannada medium high school from the academic year 2009-10 and students are admitted here on the adopting scheme. Students food, accommodation, uniform, books, admission fees and exam fees are provided free of cost. For the present academic year 2012-13, 120 students have been admitted and all are from different districts of the state.


Alvas Kannada medium high school is in the top ranks in education, sports, cultural activities too. During admissions, preference is given to the students from the state boundary zone domicile, SC/ST, Koraga, Siddi, Jenukuruba, Malekudiya and other communities are given.

President of the institution, Dr. M Mohan Alva has congratulated the students and staff for the result obtained.