mangalore today

’Thank You For Taking Me Home’: Passenger’s Letter To Pilot Goes Viral

Mangalore Today News Network

April 01, 2015: Just days after 150 people were killed on a Germanwings plane, allegedly because of a suicidal pilot, a passenger on a flight from the UK to Spain has written to the pilots who flew her, thanking them for safely completing her journey.


The note, which refers to the Germanwings tragedy in the French Alps , is being shared widely online.

Pilot Jai Dillon, who lives in the UK, posted the letter on Twitter on Monday, saying that it had been given to a colleague; since then it has been retweeted 3.6 k times:

 The passenger, who called herself Bethanie, wrote:

"In light of the very recent tragedy in the French Alps and the loss of those poor 150 people, I feel the need to reach out to you and extend a compassionate hand.

At the end of the day, we are all humans just trying to live this rollercoaster of a life we have been handed. I understand an event so horrific as this one affects those with your responsibility more than others, and maybe sometimes a kind word, random but heartfelt, can make a difference. I’m hoping to create a ripple effect and spread some compassion and understanding.

Thank you for taking me home. Thank you for doing so safely. Thank you for allowing me to live the life I do in Spain and split my time with my family in England too. You make the excitement I feel now to see my family possible. I hope you get to see your families soon.

I’ve had a wonderful flight and hope you have too. You’re making a massive difference and you’re the reason I can smile tonight."


Courtesy: NDTV